Bond Bridge / Pro Device compatibility

Remote control compatibility

Search by FCC code ( usually on the back of the remote). Search results are based on exact FCC code matches. If there is a match it means we have tested the remote in our lab. If there is no match it means that we have not tested the remote in our lab and it does not mean that the Bond Bridge /Pro will not control your device.

Shade motors

Search by model name or manufacturer name or motor brand name. Search results are based on the closest text match. If the motor does not show on the list it only means we have not tested it in our lab and it does not mean that the Bond Bridge /Pro will not control your shade.

Your results for Select blinds

Mfg P/N NA .
Motor Brand Name Select Blinds
Model Number
Support status Supported
Protocol Type FSK
Communication One way
Frequency 434MHz +-2MHz
Mfg P/N NA .
Motor Brand Name Select Blinds
Model Number
Support status Supported- Not published
Protocol Type FSK
Communication Two way
Frequency 434MHz +-2MHz
Mfg P/N NA
Motor Brand Name Select Blinds
Model Number
Support status Supported- Not published
Protocol Type
Communication One way